Chapter 9
Chapter 9 talks about the ins and outs of e-commerce. This was a chapter I thought would be interesting because on our first discussion I said that e-commerce was the most important aspect of the internet, but felt flat while reading. It talks about the different type of e-commerce such as B2B, B2C, C2C, and C2B. I was surprised to read that B2B was the most common form of e-commerce because I was fairly sure it would have been B2C. There was some new terminology I learned in regards to companies with e-commerce, such as dot com companies and also bricks and clicks. Dot com companies would be things like amazon that don’t have a physical store, and bricks and clicks would be a traditional store with an online sales channel as the book calls it.
The subscription-based business model is brought up in the book and originally, I thought these were a good model. As time has gone on subscription services have exploded, and with them their costs. Netflix is one of the biggest subscription services in the world where current prices have them sitting around 20 dollars a month, and I’ve recently seen that their planning on raising prices again. The cost of Netflix use to be 7.99 a month in 2013, but that was probably when they mailed you the actual DVD so its almost tripled in cost. In addition to the mentioned topics security concerns is something touched on in the book, clickstream is a term that I wasn’t aware of but knew exactly what it was when reading about it. The tin foil hat people thinking that their computer is listening to them isn’t exactly wrong and that’s what clickstream is basically doing, recently looked at fishing bait on bass pro shops? Now were going to give you personalized advertisement for it elsewhere to see if they can get a sale.