Chapter 5

In Module 5 I got a good overview of where social media started. I have recently heard about Web 3.0 and didn’t really understand what it meant, but as the book talks about Web 2.0 it explains its basically a shift in how people use the Web.  While Web 3.0 excites me a lot more because of the decentralizing aspect, Web 2.0 essentially was the start of social media. It was interesting to hear about Usenet basically being the pioneer for social media although it looked different. Their software newsreader was the first news “feed”, wasn’t expecting that to have happened in 1979.

Mashups and the use of API’s was something that I use almost every day and probably didn’t realize it. Two things surprised me about API’s the first one was that operating system developers didn’t want to collaborate with third party developers. The second being that amazon was partially responsible for mashups today by giving develops access to their own APIs that integrated with their system for free. At first, I thought wow I can’t believe amazon did that for free, and that the operating system developers didn’t want to collaborate because they probably wanted to monetize APIs somehow. Once I realized when Amazon did that, they basically expanded their platform by tenfold it made a lot more sense, and themselves a lot more money.

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