Chapter 1
Right away into chapter one I realized that the knowledge I have for webpages is basically just scratching the surface. I have what people would consider “basic” computer knowledge. A URL to me was just or the name of the webpage with a .com, .org, or .edu at the end of it. I knew if I site didn’t have http:// at the beginning of it that it wasn’t considered “secure” but didn’t actually know what it meant. I had the realization that a URL is almost like going through your computers file directory but instead you’re just accessing a directory on a server. The book uses the example of webpage once that thinking process sat in I realized that the /rr/rarebook/digitalcoll/ is just a folder path to access the specific HTML document you want.
The advanced browser controls section is where I learned some new tricks that browsers can do, especially in Firefox and Edge. I primarily use google chrome along with the majority of the population. At my old job teaching elementary students I used the google translate app to communicate with my only Spanish speaking students and was a very vital tool for me to use. To see Google’s browser fully translate websites that are in a foreign language is pretty miraculous. Edge’s web note function is another browser tool that gives people a quality-of-life boost when trying to do research. A lot of time when trying to paraphrase content you see on the Internet, you’re spending a lot of time switching between your word doc and the website with web notes you’re able to just write your thoughts right next to the original text and copy and paste the note to your word doc. Those are my biggest take aways from Chapter 1.
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